Land Registry Search - Search by Owner
Land Registry Searches in 24h!
Let us have the details of the owner and we will send you the Nota Simple within 24 hours! .
Request Now!
This service is for those who need information about property or land owned by an individual or company in Spain. This service is particularly useful in debt recovery processes, divorce proceedings, property purchases etc.
What does the land registry search service include?
- Submission of the request to the Land Registry Office
- Basic translation / summary of the land registry certificate
- Usually the certificates are made available within 24 hours (maximum of 48 hours). We charge 95 EUR + VAT for each certificate, with a minimum of 22 EUR + VAT if no properties are found.
Before you Start
You will need to provide the following:
- First Name and Surname of the owner
- Identification number(s) of the owner (e.g. passport number, NIE number)
- Area in which the property might be located
- Maximum number of properties/certificates you want to limit the search to.