EU Member Relative Residence Permit

In accordance to the Royal Decree 178/2003 (Real Decreto 178/2003, de 14 de Febrero) family members of nationals from the UE and the EEE will be eligible for Spanish residency if they are in one of the cases envisaged in the legislation.

Who has the right to apply and receive the residency permit ?

The present Royal Decree is applicable, whichever nationality he/she holds, to the following family members of Spanish nationals or nationals of other UE member states and EEE member states :

  • Spouse, provided he/she is not separated.
  • Children and those of his/her spouse, provided he/she is not separated, under 21 years of age or above that age if they live at their expense.
  • Parents and those of his/her spouse, provide he/she is not separated, if they live at their expense (parents of students and his/her spouse are excluded).

Foreign residents who have obtained temporary residency by family regrouping will be entitled to exercise the right of regrouping of their own family members provided they have applied and obtained work and residency permit independently from those of the foreign resident through which they regrouped.
