Family Regrouping Residence Permit

Family members of residents of Spain who have legally resided for at least 1 year and have the right to reside for at least 1 more year can apply for family regrouping.

In order to apply for Spanish residency the points below have to be taken into consideration.

Who has the right to apply and receive the residency permit?

The present Royal Decree applies, whichever nationality he/she holds, to the following family members of foreign Spanish residents:

  • Spouse, provided he/she is not separated.
  • Children and those of his/her spouse, under 18 years of age provided they are not married. In the event of children of only one of the spouses the regrouping foreign resident will have to prove that he/she enjoys legal custody.
  • Persons under 18 years of age provided the regrouping foreign resident is his/her legal representative.
  • Parents, provided they are financially dependant on the foreign resident and the authorities consider there are enough reasons to justify the need.
  • Foreign residents who have obtained temporary residency by family regrouping will be entitled to exercise the right of regrouping of their own family members provided they have applied and obtained work and residency permit independently from those of the foreign resident through which they regrouped.
